Dylan hard at work at my desk, he takes his duvet days at the office! We are a dog friendly work place as Serin the Springer Spaniel also sleeps most of the day here as well, unless she is growling at the delivery men.
The fields surrounding Castle Walk in Shrewsbury serve an interesting little community of dog lovers and their much loved pets. This is a group blog so everyone is encouraged to become an author and contribute, just mail me at nickt1970@btinternet.com or Anth at hudsonaj@yahoo.com for an invitation to join.
Ok, we're up and running and have found out how to make this a group blog so that anyone can comment and upload pictures. All you need to do is email me with your email address at nickt1970@btinternet.com and I will send you the link to get you started. It's really very simple.
This is a picture of Lily scanning the Suffolk countryside for rabbits, boy did she have fun chasing them instead of Archie for a change!
Welcome to this new blog dedicated to all the good folk who walk their dogs around the Castle Walk area of Shrewsbury. My name is Nick Turner, my wife Katie and I are the proud owners of Lily, a 3 year old recycled racer from Ireland. I haven't set up a blog before, but hope it will catch on and prove of use to all who contribute. Feel free to share your thoughts, gossip and pictures, or advertise forthcoming events.