The fields surrounding Castle Walk in Shrewsbury serve an interesting little community of dog lovers and their much loved pets. This is a group blog so everyone is encouraged to become an author and contribute, just mail me at nickt1970@btinternet.com or Anth at hudsonaj@yahoo.com for an invitation to join.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Quiz anyone?

Friday, March 18, 2011
Zanzibar the house dog!

Hi All, not posted for ages and ages but I am overseas and have a lot of time on my hands this evening. As some of you know we have a dog over here in Sudan called Zanzi, she is a very good girl but can mischievous. She likes to have her tummy rubbed, plays with her ball and HATES Somalian truck drivers.
The picture was taken outside our house during a rare moment when we could get her to sit and be still.
I think she is the most pampered dog in town, treats, ball, sofa, most dogs here in Juba scavenge on the street, although our neighbours have a very nice but mad dog called Ugly Betty. Mean but sadly appropriate (she is lovely really)
Thursday, March 17, 2011
In the eye of the beholder..
He's such a handsome chap isn't he old Dylan, and such a joy to watch tearing across the field with his unique, crazed and comical style of running/leaping and swerving - he never fails to make me smile. And earlier this week he was very obliging in letting me take this portrait of him in one of his rarer static moments!
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Knee Deep in Hounds

Sunday, March 13, 2011
Different Strokes for Different Folks...

Thursday, March 10, 2011
Bad Hair Day
Getting cute photos of Lydia is somewhat like shooting fish in a barrel, she seems to love the camera. Normally impeccably coiffured, it's nice to see that even she has a bad hair day, still adorable though, I think you'd all agree.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
its been ages since i have been on the blog.There are some great new photos of new dogs.
It was so good to see some familiar faces (Archie and Nick) and Anth and Nick of course!when Inca and I visited castlewalk at the w/e.she had a fab time.Archie was a little amarous and I think poor Lily as a little jealous.No need Lily, you are so gorgeous.
Inca also had the best time when Jackie and Barrie looked after her over half term going to the field daily with Ollie.Its def one of the things we miss the most since moving.We hope to be back soon. Lisa x
its been ages since i have been on the blog.There are some great new photos of new dogs.
It was so good to see some familiar faces (Archie and Nick) and Anth and Nick of course!when Inca and I visited castlewalk at the w/e.she had a fab time.Archie was a little amarous and I think poor Lily as a little jealous.No need Lily, you are so gorgeous.
Inca also had the best time when Jackie and Barrie looked after her over half term going to the field daily with Ollie.Its def one of the things we miss the most since moving.We hope to be back soon. Lisa x
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Make the most of the peace and quiet!
Jack won't be around for a while. He gashed himself on some barbed wire at the weekend - rabbit chasing! He looked magnificent as he ran and then leapt majestically over the fence into the grounds of the Abbey on Haughmond Hill. But his moment of pleasure has consequences and he's off to the vet tomorrow for stitches, ten days rest and lead walking!
Monday, March 7, 2011
Shepherd No. 3 in the evening light...
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Watch out for the 3 nice German Shepherds...

Saturday, March 5, 2011
Tag Team Westies...(yesterday)
Friday, March 4, 2011
brilliant photos Anth.as always! Yes! I have checked the site out as you hinted I should! Zak is thrilled to be seen executing his best stand up pose.... Fin said nothing, but is probably reserving his best for later! As for me...I spend most of the time avoiding collision... why is it always me the dogs seem to aim for??? How about a little respect fot old ladies you young whippersnappers?? Ha Ha See you alll soon
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Strictly Castle Walk...
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Kai, Rodney and Co.

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