The fields surrounding Castle Walk in Shrewsbury serve an interesting little community of dog lovers and their much loved pets. This is a group blog so everyone is encouraged to become an author and contribute, just mail me at or Anth at for an invitation to join.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Well, didn't we have a lovely day the day we went to Haughmond Hill, the few showers didn't dampen our fun. The total so far is (drum roll) £1012-25 pence yes folks not £300, not £500 but the amazing £1012-25p.
The dogs were stars, so many and as far as I know no trouble. Roden brought some lovely dogs for a visit I was very tempted with the staffy cross she was so friendly but I don't think Tally would be too happy at the moment. They managed to sing up a few volunteers as dog walker.
Tally had a great day she was on duty with Dewi by the tree helping to tie ribbons on and bouncing (on little kids in particular) There were a few tears up at the tree and I think the dogs helped to reduce the tension
I think the hang glider was a bit bemused when the hill was invaded by dogs and families. Lets hope he had a safe landing.
We sold all but 6 of the 150 dog bandannas and didn't they all look great. I saw a number of dogs that had managed to change the colour from pink to black, embarrassed or what. I also saw a number of husbands who had refused to let their dogs wear pink, being made to wear the bandannas themselves
Wasn't Elvis fab but I thought he was bringing Johnny Cash with him . But he sung his heart out all for free.
I went up the hill on monday just to clean up and take the ribbons down I was surprised how clean it was
We re- raffled the 1 minute behind the bar at the Dog and Pheasant (known by the in crowd as the D and P) and raised £100 which pushed us into the £ 1k bracket. Hot news -Andy the guy who won the raffle will be 'pulling' next wednesday and hopefully the Star will come and take some pics.
I am still amazed at how generous and supportive people have been. So from the organizing committee thank you all.
Off to the hill today before the rain comes
Ps my camera wet on strike and I need to send some pics to the Breast Cancer Campaign can you email any specially nice ones, the one with cadbury, friend and tree. Really want a good one of the tree
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
My goodness, who's this cheeky little chap emerging from the woods in his dog motif Terry towelling T-Shirt? Er... it's me, in one of the old photos my mum likes to send me occasionally, I'm not sure of her motives. Either she is reminding me of what a handsome, well norished, style savvy little boy I was back then or, more likely, she is trying to warn my wife Katie that if she does ever bear my children, they are destined to have pudding bowl hair cuts, painfully thin legs and dreadful fashion sense!
I've added a new video clips section to the blog this week, I hope you enjoy them, and if you have any clips you'd like to include, just send me the link and I'll get them added.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Monday, April 26, 2010
In the wars

It seems like spring madness has caused a few of our canine friends to injure themselves recently, the cash register at the local vets must be singing. First it was Max the Greyhound gashing his leg chasing a cat, then Lily decided to split open her paw, Coco ripped her dew claw apart yesterday, and not to be left out, the ever accident prone leg cocking calendar boy that is Dylan decided to cut his paw too - bang goes the no claims discount Stuart! Talking of Dylan, on Haughmond yesterday I may just have discovered why his picture is never out of the top five of "most viewed" photos in the Cast of Characters. It seems he has an ardent fan club in the form of a charming young man named Edward, Kate and Scott's son. Edward really loves Dylan, and pestered Scott all the way to Haughmond yesterday with, "We are going to see Dylan aren't we?". And who can blame you Edward, Dylan is a fine looking dog, keep clicking away, and who knows, when mom and dad finally move back into the Castlefield fold, they may consider getting you a Dylan dog of your own.
I hope the Haughmond walk raised lots of wonga for Breast Cancer Research, it was lovely to see the event so well supported, well done Jill et al for making it happen. But now the events section of the blog is looking a bit forlorn, but watch this space because I am hatching a plan for a monster Castle Walk BBQ in the summer, details TBC.
On a final note, Radio 4's The Unbelievable Truth programme made me chuckle tonight, it was asserted that guide dogs for the blind were colour blind at crossings, and merely waited for a break in the traffic to cross safely, which gave rise to the question, "Is that why we don't have Greyhounds for the blind?".The answer came that Greyhounds would make excellent guide dogs for blind, but only for blind people in real a hurry!
Coco under the knife!
Coco has snagged her dew claw.. I thought she was acting strangely.. more than usual. Sarah took her to the vets today and it was decided she should put under the ether and operated on. I have had just had a report from concerned dog parent Sarah that Coco has come round and all is well. Our main worry now is coping with Coco in her deranged drug addled state.. we know, we have seen it before.
Dylan also has an injury, a split/cut pad but it doesnt seem to be bothering him much so leaving it for now. Giving Dylan drugs is like fighting fire with fire.
Sandy is making the best of it and the stress of the injury to her sister doesnt seem to have affected Sophie's appetite.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Castle Walk on Tour
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Great weather,I've been over with mom running around as I occasionally do(you may have noticed I'm a fair weather girl) I've seen Lotty and Finn,Zac & DiDi,Chizzy(who is not into my neck anymore thanks chiz)pete and today I met Cody,I like him as he's not rough ,mom says he's lovely and he's only 12 weeks old.I'd better be good!!!
I did not do myself any favours today,NO brownie points at all,we had a soot deposit in the front room and mom & dad cleaned it up,? why it happened,well mom heard a flutter today and there behind the fire was a pigeon,still alive 24hrs later! dad got hold of it & set it free BUT I heard nothing,smelt nothing knew nothing so i'm offically a waste of space today!! but in the nicest possible way!
I hope the weather keeps fine for you all tomorrow on Haughmond Hill,unfortunately we will not be able to make it Scott has a request to purchase raffle tickets for me,thanks Scott we appreciate it,so my furry friends enjoy your romps and mooching and i look forward to hearing all about it when we meet on the CastleWalk,woofS & slurps until then,Sophie!
Flower power
This fine weather we have been enjoying has certainly kick started things in the garden this week. The weeds are doing very well indeed, but in amongst them are some of my favourites, the Tulips, and this Apricot Parrot pictured here never fails to impress.
Lily has been enjoying the garden this week too as she recovers from her minor procedure at the vets on Wednesday, which resulted in a not so minor bill, but hey ho, she's on the mend and should be back to chasing all her chums around the field in no time. Look out for some new faces appearing on the Cast of Characters soon too, as Anth has been snapping away furiously this week trying to bag shots of a few regulars who have so far eluded him. And welcome aboard the new kid on the block, an adorable Dalmation pup who's name we're not sure of, but he sure is cute, so Kobe you better watch out!. Anth has also captured a fantastic video clip of Missy the Black Lab launching herself into the river recently, resulting in several sightings of the Severn Bore further down stream! No offence Missy, but it was quite a spectacular belly flop and very funny to watch. Sadly, there was no photographic evidence from last night when Sarah's Coco decided to lay claim to a six foot long 40 pound tree branch and proceeded to attack it like a speed fueled beaver, reducing half of it to dust within minutes!
It looks like there's going to be a good turn out for the Haughmond Hill walk tomorrow, so if you're going don't forget to put a few quid in your pocket as it is a fund raising event for a very worthy cause.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Lily goes all psychedelic.

Sunday, April 18, 2010
Lyth Hill on Sunday
Once everyone else had left the hill for the day things calmed down and we could relaxe but then the Sun had gone in, Sarah's wine was finished and my tea was cold. I cant wait until the next sunny day!
Saturday, April 17, 2010
New faces at the races.

The race is on!
It's lovely to see that so many people are viewing the blog, long may it continue, but what we really want is more authors. You don't have to limit your posts to dog related stories, just any thoughts or muses on life that you wish to share with the rest of the community. It's simple to join in (unless your name is Sophie!) just email me or Anth and we will send you an invite so you can start posting.
As the weather hots up, I may be tempted to post some killer barbeque recipes up here for you all to try, so watch this space.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Well my mom has finally got the posting sorted, many thanks to Nick & Anthony,she says it was a user defect!! I'm saying nothing!!
So the view from my eye level! It was a shock to come accross a pair of ankles belonging to Helen,Ben was indifferent(i'm sure he's playing on the deafness lark at times) but Helen in a skirt, summer is coming YES!running & dips in the river lovely & Nick you are tall but thanks for coming down to my height to fuss me,Anthony i hope you got my " regal look"one has to keep up apperances you know and it was nice to see you looking better after the weekend.Lily love i hope your paw heals quickly i love to see you running for us all & please, please try to be careful our mom's & dad's fret loads,honestly.Tally babe i love the new look of the scarf very cute,very you and Archie after a good nights sleep you'll be fine tomorrow we're allowed to have an off day just like our owners ha!ha! I've had my pre tea dog nap,posted the blog & now off to have my tea as theres abit of lamb lurking there and a mad few mins with my rubber duck and mom,as you do! Woof until next time,Sophie!
Just off to the hill for a good walk and bacon butty. Was hoping that the bluebells would be out but now looks doubtful. Need to check insurance and stuff
Don't know if Tally will wake up or if I can convince her that the are rabbits are waiting for her
Got some great raffle prizes for the walk including: Full car valet from Peugeot, a minute behind the bar at the Dog and Pheasant (Beer only)3 course Sunday Lunch for 2 and bottle of wine at the Coach and Horses, champagne, single malt whiskey, paintings and the list goes on and on
Tally has been trying out her new bandanna ( on sale on the walk) and very fetching she looks too ( its about the only bit of fetching she will ever do)
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Africa calling

Maybe we should have him as a penpal for Dylan, they have the same build and brain power.
Growing up fast...

Pictured right are three of the younger members of the Castle Walk Pack / Gang / Cast of Characters having a right old time on the field this morning. It's really interesting to see how the different age groups and breeds respond to each other. As you might expect the younger dogs discover each other pretty quickly and
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Long walks and home made aeroplanes...
Monday, April 12, 2010
dog pics
4 pictures for you
These pictures were sent with Picasa, from Google.
Try it out here:
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Back on the Walk...
Thanks for the comments on all of the photos by the way. Best one so far has to be Richard who thanked me today for showing Missy at her best and "leaving out her hips and waistline". She's a great dog and given the throwing arm of her master should quickly run off any excess as the days get warmer! Speaking of warmer days, the forecast is great for tomorrow so we'll maybe see one or two of you either on the field or on some other fine walk in the Shire. Enjoy it wherever you are!
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Mom(Lynn) says it's lovely to own me again! I act daft but she thinks i understand everything she says which i do,but when you see her just humour her ok!
It was my birthday on easter Sunday and i was 5 so i decided i'd better show my age but i'm a fine weather girl really and we all love a run and romp and a chase after the ball in the sun don't we mates.By the way i've missed Archie lately so if your on your hols i hope your mom & dad are behaving and your having a good time?
Nice to see you Jack your more ball mad than any of us there and Lily you can run for Britain,well i'm off for a full stretch behind the settee and abit of a kip as we all do,so until tomorrow woof woof,slurps, Sophie!
Fostering Coco - Day 6
It's official, Spring has sprung, and the May blossom in our garden was just so beautiful against the clear blue sky this morning. So after breakfast we all took a slow walk down the river and through the Quarry, stopping for coffee in The Square, with the sun on our faces for the first time this year, just perfect. Well not quite, our week of fostering Coco was over and we faced the reality of having to drive her back to the Moorlands Rescue, neither of us were looking forward to the prospect, yet it was just not practical to entertain ideas of keeping her. This beautiful little dog, discarded by the racing industry before even her first race, with an ever wagging tail and pretty face had made us smile so much this week, we were going to find it very difficult to say goodbye.
When the time came, Coco was as eager as ever to get in the car, and as she lay in the back looking up at me with her big brown eyes, it would have been a much tougher man than not to shed a few tears. With great sadness in our hearts, we delivered her back to Moorlands, with a few of favourite toys of course, and headed for home.
The sun was still shining when we got home, so there was only one thing to do to lift our spirits, we cracked open a bottle of Champagne in the garden and reflected on our hectic yet rewarding 6 days. Coco, I hope you enjoyed your weeks holiday with us half as much as we enjoyed your company, you are a very special girl, sleep well tonight.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Fostering Coco - Day 5
Just a brief blog as emotions are running quite high in our house tonight. Tomorrow is Cocos last day with us, as we must return her to Moorlands Greyhound Rescue. If only we had a bigger house, car and bank balance she would be more than welcome to stay, but we only set out to foster her and must stick to the task. She is an amazing little dog, so bright, so loving and so ready find a permanent home. Sure, she was very naughty to start with, just due to anxiety, but the change in her over the last 5 days has been nothing short of miraculous. Tomorrow she will have some nice roast chicken in her breakfast as a last day treat, followed by a long walk up Lyth Hill, and then back to Moorlands. But we couldn't return her without her favourite toy Fanny the Flamingo (Katies choice of name!), pictured above.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Fostering Coco - Day 4
This was taken on our morning walk through town and the Quarry, we met the most beautiful black rescue greyhound called Hella, also from Condover, her owners seemed quite taken with Coco when we told them her story. Who knows, they may just be tempted to make room for another?
Our photographer in residence Anth and the ever present Archie are off up North this week to spend time with family. I for one will really miss his posts and additions to the growing 'Cast of Characters', fabulous images Anth, you must have a really good assistant!
Our evening walk today was not without incident. As Coco can not be trusted off the lead, we took her to one of the few local fields that we know to be totally enclosed to let her have a run. We closed the gate behind us and let her and Lily off, neither were very energetic, so after 20 minutes of sniffing we headed back to the car. At this point Coco started to really motor towards the gate. I was 30 yards from it and she was about 100, but really flying. I had seen her leap over a stable door at the kennels, so just wanted to get there first to be on the safe side and block her path. Obviously she got there first, and to my horror I saw that the gate had been left open by a young lad who had entered the field earlier. Open gate, flat out greyhound and very busy road to run on to, not good, my heart was in my mouth. I headed through the gate and saw her running ahead of me on the pavement, as calmly as I could I called out her name, she stopped dead, pricked up her ears, and ran towards me. That bit of recall training we have been doing with her this week probably saved her life tonight.
Monday, April 5, 2010
The Long and the short and the tall...

Fostering Coco - Day 3
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Fostering Coco - Day 2
What a beautiful Spring day, I just couldn't resist posting a picture of our Japanese Maple just coming in to leaf, quite a spectacular sight.
But there was no time to relax this morning as Coco seemed intent on first chewing and then gathering all our possessions together in her bed - wellies, slippers, TV remote, countless cushions and Katies shoes to name but a few. In her world it seems she is a guest of honour at one of Heston Blumenthals edible feasts, and the theme is our house and all it's belongings! We managed to tire her out a bit on a a two hour walk and she actually slept for most of the afternoon upon our return. Coco is one very clever little dog, and if proof be needed, she has responded really well to basic recall training after only 48 hours with us, although she may be forgiven for thinking her name is "Coco NO!!!". All in all fostering has been really good fun so far, I would urge anyone who has a bit of space and time to consider it, but be warned, it can be quite an emotional experience, we had a few tears last night at the thought of taking her back to Moorlands. We just hope that our feedback will give her a better chance of being re-homed soon, she really needs it.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Fostering Coco - Day 1
Friday, April 2, 2010
Lazy day...

It's a lazy day in our house too. Had a good run out this morning with a beautiful chocolate lab called Molly and the ever feisty Jack the Jack Russell. Hopefully we'll get them added to the "cast of characters" sooner rather than later. As Archie lies around doing absolutely nothing it gives me a chance to figure out how we can get even more from this blogging experiment. Welcome to new followers and remember the idea is to share this whole space, so get in touch if you would like to be an author. Maybe see some of you later!
Duvet day for Lily
Looks like Lily wants a duvet day today, little does she know we're off to Condover Greyhound Rescue to maybe foster a dog for the week. Fostering just gives the dog a break from kennel life and gives valuable feedback to the center about which home would suit it in the long run. We visited Condover yesterday and chose two possible candidates, Springy, who's a beautiful calm boy with a rather big bump on his head, or Mona, who's lovely and gentle. So today we're taking Lily over to meet them and let her decide. We haven't fostered before so watch this space for an update of how we get on.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Wednesday Night at the Dog and Pheasant
Another very pleasant time was had by all in the Dog and Pheasant last night, it's becoming a bit of a regular event hey Anth? Lily wasn't very happy about having her dinner a bit later than usual, but did discover the joys of occupying a warm comfy seat in the pub on a cold night, good girl Lily, just don't get any ideas at home!