It's been a tough weekend for Lily, she managed to split the webbing on her back paw quite badly on Friday and we had to wait till today to get it checked out by the vet. So off we hobbled first thing this morning to find out how serious the damage was. On examining the wound, even the vet winced and said, "My, thats really deep, it's a wonder she hasn't lost her toe altogether". It felt like the moment a mechanic looks at your car, shakes his head and sucks air in sharply between his teeth, I knew it was going to be an insurance job. For now though all that could be done was to bandage her leg up in dayglow orange, complete with smiley faces, administer two injections and prescribe four different tablets. I'm glad it wasn't too serious.
In the interest of future endorsements and advertising revenue, I can not reveal which veterinary practice we visited today. Suffice it to say, the vet himself looks for all the world like a member of Boyzone, complete with bleached blond hair and eye-poppingly tight trousers. The irony is, as I lifted Lily off the examination table and lowered her to the floor I heard the most terrible tearing sound, which turned out to be my trousers splitting at the seams! Boyzone-vet-man gave me a knowing look and smile, oh the shame.
So with a Wednedsay appointment set to sew what was left of Lilys foot back together and a pocket full of expensive drugs, off home we went, with her stomping along on her big orange smiley face foot and my arse cheek hanging out of my trousers, what a sight.
I wonder who was wearing the tightest trousers Nick.. poor Lily is poorly and you decide to have a budgie smuggling duel with the vet and came off worse. There is obviously a skill to wearing tight strides which you are yet to learn. Please think of Lily next time you try to show off to the vet, she has a reputation to uphold.
No contest Stuart, how could I compete when my 'Budgie' was trying to escape! Anyway, there are children who read the blog, so enough.
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