So, what is in a name? Sport appears to be a theme on the Walk as Kobe, who we read about a few postings ago, is (I assume) named after a certain NBA star... - correct me if I am wrong Allison! Our young charge, Archie, has no such connections... When we first got him, over three years ago now, we struggled to find something that suited. It took about a day and a half before we settled on Arch and it just seemed to stick. As he is a Border Collie, I wanted something kind of Scottish, but beyond that there is no story.
"Story", however, is the key word when it comes to the subject of one of Nick's recent postings - NOT the weird one with the tiger dog! It appears that the beautiful Belgian Shepherd from yesterday afternoon is named after an Agatha Christie creation - another one far more interesting than Archie!
So what's the story behind your dog's name? In a blatant attempt to get you involved I'm starting to ask direct questions...
Changing the subject completely, but keeping the name thread, I've got an update on the litter of black Labs I wrote about a few weeks ago. Fern, Blaze, Grouse and Sky have all found new homes and one of the above should be on the field soon hopefully. As far as Kes and Kite are concerned, one of them is being kept as a pet by the breeders and the other, Kes (my favourite) looks like she has all the wonderful attributes of her mother, Musket, and will be trained up for the shoot. Great news and my lunchtimes will never be the same again. It's the first litter I've watched grow up and it's been a great couple of months! Aren't dogs great!
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