Forget everything I said yesterday about the challenges of lowlight photography. This morning's misty river provided the opportunity for some very atmospheric shots and we had a lovely walk along the towpath. I spent the whole day editing my holiday shots and these can now be seen via the link to my Flickr account (above right). Please feel free to have a look and comment (constructively!) as all feedback is welcome. Also above right is a slideshow with a few new additions, so look carefully and you should see several new photos of regular visitors to the field. It was great to see Lloyd today after quite some time and he really is growing into the most handsome dog! (There's a new one of him). As far as this afternoon was concerned it was a fine gathering, as it was yesterday, so let's keep making the most of the dwindling daylight before half past three becomes the new half five! Finally for this little post, I can't resist adding one more more photograph... Ladies and gentleman, boys and girls, please welcome... Chanel!

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