This morning, myself and Nick went to Moorlands to take some photographs of the many retired Greyhounds they have there, and it may sound odd, but I saw my first Greyhound puppy! I am not sure it is as impressive as Sarah's sighting of the black swan, but it was a lovely experience all the same! It was great to see the wonderful work the staff at this particular rescue home do and to enjoy the company of some beautiful dogs albeit for such a short time. We went to try to help out with their publicity and capture some of the characters they have living there at the moment, and I can honestly say, if anybody out there is looking for a second (or third, or fourth) dog, you could do a lot worse than give a home to one of these wonderful creatures. We have some fine examples of rescue greyhounds and lurchers in our ever-expanding Castle Walk group and I'm sure those who were lucky enough to witness it on the field tonight would agree, it's a great sight when they get together and just move through those gears! The picture above is just one of quite a few I took today, so follow the Flickr link if you want to see a few more. I've also managed to capture a few new faces over the past couple of days, so their portraits also feature. A big welcome to Wilson, Boston, Freddie (amongst others), and their owners, and we look forward to hearing from you on the blog soon!
I keep saying we should have got a greyhound...(sorry cadbury)that puppy is so gorgeous..lovely shot Anth.
That gorgeous pup is called Igor and he is the only one left.
Was lovely to see you guys this morning, your photos are out of this world and make me feel melty inside, they just capture the dogs so well.
Was also funny watching you trying to take photos whilst the three girls in the oldies unit kissed and leaned on you...tarts!
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