The fields surrounding Castle Walk in Shrewsbury serve an interesting little community of dog lovers and their much loved pets. This is a group blog so everyone is encouraged to become an author and contribute, just mail me at or Anth at for an invitation to join.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
...and a Merry Christmas to us all!
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 19, 2010
The Best Laid Plans...

p.s. 4 posts in a day is a new record! Keep them coming!
p.p.s. Thanks for the info Jill, thanks for the thanks Bec, and great pies Sarah!
p.p.s.s. Did anyone go to Moorlands?
Merry Christmas
New Year Peace Boats
Wanted to remind everyone of the new year eve peace boat tradition ( must be all of ten years old) of Castlefields. There are no organizers or rules and time is difficult to gauge as the children start earlier and the big boat builders fall out the pub at about 5:30ish. The aim is to send a boat with some kind of light over the weir. Very few manage this, but it is great fun watching with the help of mulled wine and mince pies or refreshments of your choice.
Basically, any type of home made boat which a) floats and b) holds a tea light or other type of light, LED lights have been successful but don't, in my view , have the same effect. The launch of these boats can be tricky depending on if you lower the boat over the bridge and have given due consideration to a) how to let the string go without tipping the boat over and wetting the light, and
b) if the river has risen or fallen since you last assessed the length of said rope. Many a disappointed boat builder has fallen at the first hurdle. Some launch from the towpath ( better for the children) but difficult to assess the eddies and currents,and boats frequently hit the path or other boats resulting in a spectacular fire.
The builders and designers really go to town with some boats having fireworks and rockets , many boats are made from old paper lampshades . I have known dead pet mice that have been given the full viking funeral.
So I hope to see the Dog walkers make a stunning effort. Can anyone willow weaver a dog shaped boat?
Mince Pie Anyone?
Friday, December 17, 2010
All I Want For Christmas!

Thursday, December 16, 2010
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Away days...

Saturday, December 11, 2010
Game on!
Follow the link below for more info. and hope to see you there.
Also thought I'd post a flyer for the Moorlands event I mentioned previously.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Quiz Fever and Christmas Cheer

Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010
Anyone interested in setting a date for a Christmas Dog walk? Not many weekends left before christmas. I am sure that the cafe would provide some mulled wine and mince pies.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Warm Welcome
We'll still be around in the dark some nights, and I'm often out at lunchtime as I work from home. Failing that we're fast becoming regulars at the Dog and Pheasant so we'll hopeful see some of you there. And as it's only 7 weeks, 3 days until the big day, maybe we should arrange a Christmas dog walk? Perhaps with mulled wine...
Not sure if we'll make it to the pub quiz tonight, blame Jim and night flying. But good luck :)
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Two Very Intense Struggles...

Sunday, October 31, 2010
Wicked Wilson Writes ...
Just wanted to say a quick thank you to all the Castle Walk Dog Walkers who have made the three of us feel really welcome over the last month (especially considering Wilson's unique style of group integration!). It's a real shame that the Winter evenings have drawn in and will dwindle the gathering. Tor, Wilson and I will still be going down at half 5ish so will enjoy meeting with those of you not scared of the dark!
For the Border Collie owner who has everything.
Friday, October 29, 2010
Winter starts here...

Thursday, October 28, 2010
Sunday, October 24, 2010
just spent hours trying to get my technical head working after 2 weeks letting it rest on holiday in Turkey . Meet some very friendly and well looked after dogs in the hotel including one land shark puppy and I have the scars to prove it. Rushed home intime to pick tally up from her holiday at Moorlands. She was over over joyed to see us but let out this incredible howl as we drove home not sure if that was her saying good bye to her new friends or just not happy to be going home . Still we will never know. Been watching the blog and catching up. Will be adding some dog friendly pubs to the list later , but for now I thought I would remind everyone about the wonderful winter we had last year, (actually posted the wrong picture, but it looks good) Tally is looking forward to meeting you all again. We did a wonderful walk up at the hill today lots of buzzards and jays. But i feel abit like Bo peep at the moment as tally won't leave my side.
See you soon and thanks for the You Tube Extreme Sheep LED best laugh for ages
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Just Beautiful Autumn Colours in our Park!!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Have you ever seen a greyhound puppy?

Friday, October 8, 2010
Have you ever seen a Black Swan before?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
Well mom has filled me in on the Quiz last night! Firstly mom returned in a sober state(that was different but don,t tell her i said so! ) and The Quiz was much improved and competitor friendly and everyone appeared to enjoy themselves.
Afterwards home cooked fare was provided from Sheena(who works behind the bar & is Robbo's fair lady) and my mom,Indian ,chutneys and cakes,sounds lovely BUT no doggy bag i noticed hmmm! humans!!!
Mom said she hoped everyone would attend again next month and it takes place on the first weds of every month for anyone who is interested.
So i,ve had a dip in the river earlier today and i,ll catch that rat next time ,honestly i will ! hmm mom's just added not if she has anything to do with it,we'll see grrrrr! I also lost my new ball on a rope but i blame Pete the rough haired lurcher as i do like him lots and got distracted what can i woof!
A message to Jess & Coda you can dogs in the Dog & Pheasent but they have to be kept on a lead,water and biscuits provided.
We are off now for an early walk as mom's got a meeting to go to so she said she'll catch up with you all tomorrow and at the weekend, woof woof, slurps a plenty ! Sophie !
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Pub quiz anyone?

Picking up on the pub theme from Jess and Coda's post, for those who don't already know, there's a quiz in the Dog and Pheasant this Wednesday the 6th. It would be great to get a team (or two!) together and enjoy a drink (or two!) together and have a bit of fun at the same time. As far as I know the quiz starts around nine and everyone's welcome. I'm sure that between us we've got a fantastic range of specialist subjects, but it's not the winning, it's the taking part (unless of course you're Jack and Andrea then it's just winning!)
Changing the subject a little, it's great to see so much activity on the blog. I'm adding photos all the time (follow the Flickr link) and really appreciate all the different contributions. Cheers everyone for staying involved and hope to see you on Wednesday if not before.
Friday, October 1, 2010
Dog Friendly Pubs?
Can anyone suggest any pubs in and around (i.e. within walking distance of the park) Shrewsbury where I can enjoy beer AND spending time with Coda?
We were chatting about this at the park the other week while the dogs were bowling and some pubs were mentioned....The Boathouse, The Bricklayer, The Armoury, and another just across the bridge in Castlefields but I forget the name! Something about a Hen or Chicken maybe?
Doing a pub crawl on Saturday around town and bringing Coda along, so I’ll report back with any findings! But any suggestions before then would be helpful!
Jess & Coda
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Lost and Found
Andrea & Jack
Monday, September 27, 2010
Copthorne vets dog show
Thanks to everyone that came along to Copthorne's charity dog show on the 19th with a special mention to Jack obviously as star Castlewalk canine ! The show has now raised over £800 to be split between Lingen Davies and Shropshire Greyhound rescue , so we've beaten last years total despite the not great weather , which we're all chuffed about . Hope you all enjoyed the day I was very proud of all our beautiful and well behaved ( Bolt excepted ! ) Castlewalk crew . At the cost of several computer illiterate hours , I've put lots of photo's on the Copthorne vets website so please have a look . They're obviously not quite to Anths standard but if anyone would like any copies please let me know.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
What a long winter ahead - it's going to be sad not seeing everyone every day. I'll miss Lloyd, Polly, Archie, Lilly, Cobey and Elsa - to name a few. And I just don't know how I'll get by without my daily fix of Lydia baiting!!! My pet said that we can come down on Thursday, Fridays and at the weekends - so keep your eyes peeled, there's a chance you won't recognise me in my new coat! Lots of Love Jack x x
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Catch Up!
It's been a while since i've posted ,been alittle hectic on the home front! But i've sat mom down and told her to get typing as i woof!!!!!
So we've had a wedding( Stuart & Sarah) and now the girls have moved over the river so all change next door,i keep forgetting they've gone & keep looking for them then mom takes pity and i get extra cuddles so i'll play this abit longer !!
The kitchen has some fab smells coming out of it as mom 's busy making chutneys and jams and conserves,then it'll be xmas cakes and she won't let me taste test as it's for pressies and to sell,yea right let me at them especially the cakes !!!!!
We went along to the Dog Show on Sunday with Lynn x 2 & saw a few furry friends there ,as you now know we were entered (some reluctantly) into a few things ! well i did not like the look of the judge and made my feelings known by turning my bottom to her!! she was not going to feel my bits etc! I was missing my dog naps!!! Lloyd and Jack did well and it made a change to see what other furry 4 legs are out there BUT i do like the Castlewalk Furry Friends best of all,mom loves them all but she's a soft touch , oh teas up followed by my nap!
Take care buddies ( and owners) woof,woof, slurps Sophie !
Hello all from Jess & Coda!
Coda has made a few friends over the summer, and he gets on especially well with Lloyd...although he is now at least twice the size of Coda! Hard to imagine that only a few months ago Coda was the larger of the two!
Coda usually gets home too late to make it to the park when most other people go, but we look forward to seeing you all when we do make it!
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Paddy and I would like to say Hello and Thank you for making us welcome on Saturday morning. Paddy really enjoyed meeting all the characters from Castle Walk in particular Joe and cannot wait for the next visit for see him again!. I must admit that Lydia was my favourite on Saturday, her curly coat is gorgeous.....
Paddy and I walked up the Wrekin this morning we managed to walk up and down in 1 hour !! Here is a picture of Paddy on his first trip to the top of the Wrekin when he was about 4 months old!
Also just wanted to say Thank You to Anth for taking the beautiful photograph of Paddy (see Flickr link).
See you all again soon.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Celebration part 2.

Sunday, September 19, 2010
The boys done good.

Friday, September 17, 2010
Pet bowling
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Come along to the Copthorne Veterinary Clinic Dog Show!

Monday, September 13, 2010
Have Your Say!

Saturday, September 11, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Early morning mist and new arrivals...

Back to School...

Monday, August 16, 2010
Beyond the blog...again.

P.S. If you know of any dog-related events, happenings or good causes which could benefit from a bit of publicity on this far-reaching and widely-read blog(?!) feel free to add them or e-mail details to myself or Nick.
Friday, August 13, 2010
To watermark or not to watermark?
It's great to know that the images are appreciated and the whole watermarking thing is just standard practice for a lot of pictures that go on an online journey of one sort or another. I do keep copies of all of the originals (without watermarks) and if you, like Allison, would like a copy of any photographs just let me know and I can e-mail you high resolution j-pegs. The files are quite big, but this means that the majority of them will easily print up to A3 or even larger. My e-mail is or you can click on the contact link on the list of followers below. Failing that, just mention it next time I see you on the walk. Have a good weekend.
Great photo
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Beyond the blog...

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Life's a beach.
I haven't met a dog yet that doesn't love a good romp on the beach, although some are less enthusiastic about getting their paws wet! The first time we took Lily to the coast she could barely contain her excitement, and when we let her off it was explosive. She took off up the beach at such speed that she was a dot on the horizon within seconds, fortunately, she made a wide turn and pelted back towards us with equal pace. The feel of the sand between her toes must have sparked memories of her racing days and she was in dog heaven, grinning from ear to ear.
Sorry to hear that Archie got a bit too excited at the coast and injured himself in the process, get well soon mate, there's one eager Greyhound waiting to chase you around the Walk when you get back home.
Feeling a little bit sorry for ourselves...
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Please can I have my ball back...?

Molly took Archie's (as usual) this afternoon and would only give it up for food, wise old girl that she is. It doesn't really bother him much, as long as she keeps on the move with it and as she was in an energetic mood this afternoon, all was well on the field. Others, however, have not been so lucky and Kobe, Finn, Zak and Dylan have lost theirs forever, but it doesn't seem to be bothering them too much as they too continue to enjoy themselves amongst friends on the walk! There is a certain unwritten rule on Castle Walk, along the lines of, "You lose one, you find one," so the Christmas themed spherical plastic thing that Archie brought home tonight goes some way to making up for the tens of thousands we've lost over the past couple of years. (If anyone has lost a Santa ball by the way, please let me know as he's not too attached to it just yet!).
Changing the subject slightly, it appears that one or two photos are now finding their way out into the big wide web world and although Kobe as a pup is still the most popular, Ralphie and his ready-brek glow is going down very well in Hungary! As Lynn said tonight... "From small acorns..." I should go now if only to try to work out where the double entendre starts / ends as far as this post is concerned! Hope to see more of you soon - either on the field or on the blog!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Back on the blog and the walk...

...and on the subject of cool but unconventional Border Collies, here's a story from last week's Telegraph. If you read this, it's worth noting that Archie cost the rather more modest sum of £100! Nice story though.
Monday, July 19, 2010
Didi remembered...
Into each blog some rain must fall...
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Whatever next. Part 2

Sunday, July 11, 2010
Lily's day in the sun...

Sunday, July 4, 2010
A little Dog with a Big Bark

This weekend we spent a small fortune in the vets getting the 'wee man's' eyes checked over as he has a tendency to look like a blood hound when he's tired and ends up looking a bit like Deputy Dog. Vet's Answer: He has to grow into his eyes (total cost £24!).
Anyway, Molly and Leroy are getting on like a house on fire and are now spending most of their time plotting their mischief which equates to double trouble! I have finally stopped them jumping into my raised beds to eat the lettuce and courgette plants however that was just the beginning. I came downstairs on Saturday to find Molly holding the draft excluder in her mouth and paws whilst the little black monster was tearing all the stuffing out... great fun, a snow scene in my living room with Leroy as Santa Claws with a long white beard of kapok!!
Despite Molly's return to being the naughtiest puppy in school, it is lovely having the two crazy muts. The only nightmare (so far) comes at dinner time; Leroy is a greedy little boy so I have to stand between them to act as referee to stop him polishing off both bowls of food. I have tried putting them at opposite ends of the kitchen but they are both so nosey and concerned about the other getting better food that they keep running back and forth trying to eat each others food so I have to put them side by side which seems to be the best option.
The best bit is now, having them both curled up on the rug in the evening watching them chasing rabbits together and woofing in their sleep... so funny.
Leroy has a couple of weeks off from commuting to work in Warminster now and so he and Molly have two weeks of playing and causing havok in the parks of Shrewsbury.... I can't wait, Two crazy labrador pups, what is the worst they can do?! x
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hello everybody
Monday, June 28, 2010
Messing about on the river...

Monday, June 14, 2010
What to call a chocolate coloured cocker pup?
Sunday, June 13, 2010
The Perils of naming your Dog
Firstly I'd like to say thanks to Anth for telling about this blog and asking me to join. I moved to Reabrook last Christmas so our visits down to the walk are limited to the weekends however there's always a friendly face whenever me and Rafa (more of him later) take up our weekly sojourn there. Today we met big head Ned.
Many of you will recognise Rafa as the Liver & White Springer Spaniel that can carry two balls in his mouth (see picture proof) and barks even when carrying said balls. Although I won't be troubling Simon Cowell with this feat of canine multi-tasking, it does draw curious glances or smutty smirks depending on how close you are to the inner adolescent
This takes me to the subject of my blog, naming your dog. Since the manager of Liverpool left last week I have been forced to answer two questions almost verbatim; Yes: he was named after Rafa Benitez and No: we're not planning to change his name. I was warned of this first peril when we chose his name however I persisted with the current sporting hero peril. I used to laugh at ManU fans taking Beckham for a walk, my best man living in Bolton constantly has to avoid the mess left by pooches called Sam and I hear the Kings Road still resounds to the barks of Jose.
Yet I wouldn't listen, Shankley didn't seem right for a Springer, Laura hated Kenny (the name not the man) and I couldn't see myself shouting Paisley across the field. Which leads me to the second peril of naming your dog; what does a dog's name sound like when you are desperately trying to call him/her back?
The name Rafa seemed to fit that bill perfectly, a good dog name has two syllables, Ra-Fa, everyone agrees that it is a good idea. However it has hasn't worked out that way. Rafa has become abbreviated to Raf, what's the problem with that? Try shouting Raf-Raf-Raf-Raf very quickly; that's right it sounds you're barking. As I try in vain to stop my dog chasing after a threatening cyclist, I start yapping at my own dog.
So next time you see a man barking at his dog, don't run away come over and say hello, neither of us bite
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Inca the bandit
We were about to go home when Inca, egged on by the others, charged to the top field into some teenagers sat around enjoying the sunshine and a sneaky fag. Inca charged back down into the lower field with something in her mouth, hotly followed by the other dogs and lots of shouting teenage boys. Inca carried on down to the water, now hotly followed by myself, Sarah, Hannah my daugher, her friend Faye and about 3 teenage lads. Inca had stolen their cigarettes and decided to hide them in the river.. after destroying them with a few chews..
The lads were fine about it.. even though it was a full pack.. they were over 16 so I felt I should cough up some dosh to reimburse their loss.. I did point out the dangers of smoking but they said "yeah but its the world cup".. they were nice lads and all ended well, although it was an expensive walk.. one toy and a packet of fags down!
Ah, never a dull moment.. keeps you young!

World cup fever is currently gripping (most) of the nation and whether you love it or loath you cannot avoid it. Tonight our brave boys will be going once more into the breach for queen and country against the USA, but before this evenings kick off I think we should take time to reflect on a true English world cup hero. My tale harks back to the halcyon days of jumpers for gold posts, the Beatles, pipe smoking and when everything was in black and white.
If you are sitting comfortably I will begin
'I put the lead on Pickles and he went over to the neighbour's car,' recalls Corbett, now 66. 'Pickles drew my attention to a package, tightly bound in newspaper, lying by the front wheel. I picked it up and tore some paper and saw a woman holding a dish over her head, and disks with the words Germany, Uruguay, Brazil. I rushed inside to my wife. She was one of those anti-sport wives. But I said, "I've found the World Cup! I've found the World Cup!"' Corbett, or more precisely, Pickles, had indeed discovered the missing Jules Rimet trophy.
Now Pickles began the life of a celebrity. He starred in a feature film, The Spy with the Cold Nose, and appeared on Magpie, Blue Peter and many other TV shows. He was made Dog of the Year, awarded a year's free supply of food from Spillers and there were offers to visit Chile, Czechoslovakia and Germany.
'But I would've had to put Pickles into quarantine for six months and he was only a pet, so I didn't think I could do that,' says Corbett. How did he find the constant attention? 'I got myself an agent. The same as Spike Milligan's. He made me £60 a day, bloody brilliant! He would call and my [ex] wife and I would meet him and his girlfriend and go drinking Champagne.'
Corbett's agent arranged entrance to the party on the evening of England's 4-2 victory over West Germany in the World Cup final. 'The streets were full of people. The players were out on a large balcony [of their hotel in Kensington]. I went in with Pickles under my arm and Bobby Charlton, all of them, picked him up.
So, I hope our overpaid superstars will take heed of our humble canine here, £60! not sure how much that is in todays money but its not £120,000 per week Mr Lampard. Typical though, we get to host the world cup and somebody pinches the cup! Bobby Moore kept up the good work in Mexico a few years later...
All together now "3 Lions on a shirt, Jules Rimet still gleaming!" (thanks to Pickles)
Friday, June 11, 2010
Well,mom is beside herself! why you ask? It was whilst out walking this morning,over the Castlewalk Bridge & down the bank for my favorite,a mooch along the riverbank,as I skipped at speed around the corner i have to admit i did feel "alittle" something under my paw! So mom's behind me eyes peeled & then STOP,no movement from her(i thought here we go,she's left something on,the door wide open,whatever -HORMONES- came to mind) but no she had stooped to pick up a somewhat stunned "DOORMOUSE" yes it really was, & Helen with Ben in tow came to join us & confirm her finding,Helen has even taken a photo or two for all those doubting Thomases out there!! Also Helen just happened to have a tape measure on her(as all dog walkers do of course)& the little dear was duly photographed & measured 2 inchs nose to end of long tail.I'm sure you'll all be pleased to know he/her/cutie(mom's words) recovered & was replaced in the undergrowth to rejoin it's little family! On checking later today the said Doormouse had moved on.
So "Springwatch" -Castlefields,Keep your eyes open & report back to us all,lets face it furry friends we're close enough to the ground & have fantastic hearing(when we want ha! ha!) but dear owners do please join in,also Mom just wants to say it was to see the "boys" on weds in the Dog & Pheasent & Anthony you looked much better.
Wishing you all a lovely weekend,woof,woof,slurps,Sophie & Mom (Lynn)
Wednesday, June 9, 2010
Nasty Ticks and how best to remove them yourselves
Inca has just spent a whole week in Netley boarding kennels dorrington and seems to have enjoyed it. I know its mean but we were camping with a non doggy group and it just wouldnt have worked.poor inca.every time we saw a dog on the beach i really missed her.the kids did too.The r/v's for the place are good and i wouldnt hesitate to send her there again if need be, they said they would also take the rabbits!
Mike is on his way to collect one of his dads dogs to look after for a little while, yes another big hairy lab but yellow this pls be nice to her, hope her recall is better than incas.
see ya soon
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
What's in a name?

So, what is in a name? Sport appears to be a theme on the Walk as Kobe, who we read about a few postings ago, is (I assume) named after a certain NBA star... - correct me if I am wrong Allison! Our young charge, Archie, has no such connections... When we first got him, over three years ago now, we struggled to find something that suited. It took about a day and a half before we settled on Arch and it just seemed to stick. As he is a Border Collie, I wanted something kind of Scottish, but beyond that there is no story.
"Story", however, is the key word when it comes to the subject of one of Nick's recent postings - NOT the weird one with the tiger dog! It appears that the beautiful Belgian Shepherd from yesterday afternoon is named after an Agatha Christie creation - another one far more interesting than Archie!
So what's the story behind your dog's name? In a blatant attempt to get you involved I'm starting to ask direct questions...
Changing the subject completely, but keeping the name thread, I've got an update on the litter of black Labs I wrote about a few weeks ago. Fern, Blaze, Grouse and Sky have all found new homes and one of the above should be on the field soon hopefully. As far as Kes and Kite are concerned, one of them is being kept as a pet by the breeders and the other, Kes (my favourite) looks like she has all the wonderful attributes of her mother, Musket, and will be trained up for the shoot. Great news and my lunchtimes will never be the same again. It's the first litter I've watched grow up and it's been a great couple of months! Aren't dogs great!